India Earl - The Guide To Client Guides -


India Earl - The Guide To Client Guides


Preset Details

The essential guide to communicating effectively with your clients. Make your job easier, find clarity in communication, and better serve and inform your clients with killer PDF Guides. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know: what to write, how much to write, how to properly format your guides, and India’s tips & suggestions on every subject. 

About This Product

Educating your clients creates trust. Trust fosters connection. Connection turns into creativity. Creativity turns into fulfillment and unique experiences for both you and them. This PDF guide from India is a digital downloadable file that will walk you through how to write & create your ultimate guide. Design templates not included.


— A digital downloadable PDF guide that will walk you through how to write your guide.
— Design templates are not included.


01. What to include in your client guide and why

02. Communicating effectively with your clientele

03. Creating awesome experiences for both you and your clients

04. Preventing disagreements, unrealistic expectations, and miscommunications

05. How to serve your clients every step of the way

06. Save your inbox from being bombarded

07. How to be more than a vendor to your clients: be a friend


— Location and Timing

— What to Wear

— Props + What to Bring

— Getting Ready

— Timeline Tips

— Photo Checklists

— What to Expect

— Engagements

— Add Ons

— Finding the Perfect Venue

— Light

— First Looks

— Ceremonies

— How You Can Help

And more!


This guide is catered towards photographers and videographers (specifically wedding photographers, half of this guide is focused on wedding-specific topics) who want to give their clients an incredible experience from beginning to end through education and setting expectations.