Unraveled Academy - Untranslated Presets by Mari Trancoso - Presetify.co


Unraveled Academy - Untranslated Presets by Mari Trancoso


Preset Details

You know those feelings deep in your bones that you cannot find the right word to? Words to feelings that are untranslative to the English language are beautiful and comforting. The feeling you may get when you look at a photograph - a feeling rushes through you and you can't put your finger on it. But it's there, it's alive in you. Just as alive as the moment you're witnessing in the image. Mari Trancoso's Untranslated Presets are inspired by those feelings and a way to create imagery that generates it for the person witnessing your work.

12 Lightroom Presets + an Editing Video by Mari Trancoso on how to use them best.
You can access this Editing Video after purchase in the section right below. You will have the option to click "Editing with Untranslated by Mari"

Before and After images below were provided by Ro Birkey,  Whit McGuire, Conie Bravo, Jo Womack and of course, Mari Trancoso.


You know those feelings deep in your bones that you cannot find the right word to? Words to feelings that are untranslative to the English language are beautiful and comforting. The feeling you may get when you look at a photograph - a feeling rushes through you and you can't put your finger on it. But it's there, it's alive in you. Just as alive as the moment you're witnessing in the image. Mari Trancoso's Untranslated Presets are inspired by those feelings and a way to create imagery that generates it for the person witnessing your work.